徵求代理商的開發信寫法以及如何找到 Key person 

AYA 妳好,

 AYA我們公司是手錶製造與總代理商,目前想要在其它國家找尋合適的代理商,我找了許多公司的資料,通常連絡 e-mail 都是  info@xxxcompany.com   我很怕 e-mail 過去,無法找到 key person想請問有什麼可以找到 key person 的好方法嗎?另外,可以請妳提供尋找國外代理商的開發信範本嗎? 謝謝妳唷!

With best regards,





Hello Stehanie,

關於尋找 key person ,最保險的方式當然是打電話過去問,看採購部門的負責人是誰,或是取得聯絡窗口的姓名,不過除非你很確定這家是絕對買主,否則打電話的成本比較不划算,但是現在國際電話有很多省錢方式,不妨斟酌使用。你也可以嘗試在主旨欄寫上 To : XXX Company 然後內容一開始就寫  Please transfer this e-mail to Purchase Department, thanks in advance. 或是 We received your inquiry, please transfer to whom in charge of purchase.


你也可以在主旨上寫:from Taiwan Trade Center,然後在信裡一開頭就寫道:

We obtained your name from Taiwan Trade Center and know that you are looking for XXX products …… 或是寫 from ALIBABA 也可同理套用,讓客人以為這是從知名網站來的信件,也許可以提高點閱率。


Dear Mr. XXX,

It is our pleasure to learn your esteemed name through 
Taiwan Trade Center and know that you are the leading importer and wholesaler in Germany on behalf of numerous famous brands of watches.

先說明是從哪邊得知他的資料,以及他是怎樣的一家公司( 在什麼地區,經營什麼產品,是進口商還是代理商 …. ) 

We are a professional & reputable OEM manufacturer and sole agent of watches such as XXX and XXX brands made in 
TaiwanJapan and China. We have 1000 up designs for customer’s selection and monthly output is over one million pieces.

We are in this field for more than 20 years and dealing with 15 countries on basis of agent relationship. To provide the strongest support and work together with our agents to develop the market for mutual benefit is our policy permanently.

接著介紹自己是一家怎樣的公司(例如是哪幾家知名品牌的 OEM 製造商與總代理),已有多久的歷史,有多少種產品,月產量多少,在其他國家有多少的代理夥伴,有什麼優勢特色,並強調我方合作的誠意。

You may visit our website of  www.watch.com.tw  to have a further understanding.  If you are interested to be our agent in your area, please feel free to contact us any time. All related details are ready upon request, and we are always at your service with pleasure. 


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