
今天是『國際貿易輕鬆學』部落格成立六週年的日子,如果用撫育孩子的角度來計算,AYA 的這個小寶貝今年都可以上小學了說,哈哈!

身為單親媽媽,AYA 深知獨力撫養孩子的辛苦,所幸『國際貿易輕鬆學』部落格的成長與茁壯並非單靠 AYA 一個人的能力,除了廣大讀者的愛護與鼓勵之外,AYA 也要在這邊感謝長期支持 AYA 並協助我回答讀者提問的銀行、船務以及英文的精英顧問群: Jason, Tricia, Sandy, 啟田, 碧玟 and Sharlie。貿易路上,有你們真好,謝謝大家的相挺與關照!

為了慶祝 6 歲生日及瀏覽人次突破 300 萬,AYA 今天特別推出這篇孕育快一年才完成的文章,希望對大家有幫助喔!一起加油 !! 

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dear AYA 你好: 

拜讀你的文章真是獲益不少,我現在有個問題想請教你。由於我剛當國外業務四個月,想要用電話開發新客戶,但是我打給客戶時會遇到一個問題就是場面有點冷,不知道怎樣跟客戶聊?請問 AYA 專家可以給我建議嗎怎樣跟第一次連絡的客戶通電話?內容該說些什麼呢?

我通常打去會先介紹我是誰,然後我是某某公司,非常感謝你對敝公司產品的興趣,或是看到貴公司網站上的產品,我們也有在賣,可以推薦給你之類的。然後再問起他們現在的貨源,每月的需求量 等等。請問我這些方向都對嗎? 期待 AYA 的解答! 

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首先你自己要英文聽和說的程度夠好,並能在最短的時間內講出重點,對產品也要夠了解。同時,要多運用簡單易懂的字彙,尤其對方如果不是英語系國家的客戶,則也要有相當的英文會話能力才能跟你對談。如果你的英文聽說能力還有待加強,對產品也還不是十分了解,就要被打鴨子上架,硬著頭皮打電話給國外客戶,那也只好就你所能了解與掌握的範圍,先研擬一兩份草稿,打幾次電話碰碰運氣,也當作練習了。AYA 以前也是這樣在冒冷汗、頭皮發麻與肚子絞痛等窘況中,半猜半矇逐漸磨練出功力來的。

AYA 是電話行銷的專家,我自己比較有把握的是面對面,或是像現在常用的 MSN 或  SKYPE  線上打字對談,這些方式我會更得心應手,勝算和成交率也是最高的。所以其實你可以根據自己的強項,選擇有利的開發模式,但是有很多老闆還是希望能用電話行銷的方式比較能立竿見影,身為開發先鋒的我們,還是不能讓老闆失望的,以下就提供一些 AYA 自己的經驗給大家參考。

電話開發的重點應該還是放在確認對方是否為可能的買主 ? 所以準備一些相關問題,分別依照重要及優先順序排列,依序發問,以免對方不耐煩,重點還沒問到,對方就想掛你電話了。而重點談完,也找到 Key Person 之後,後面還是要回歸到書信 ( e-mail ) 往來的方式,因為討論和成交的過程,還是要留下書面紀錄才有憑據。



打這通電話來是要幹什麼 ( 主要目的 )

參考 (  ) 
Hello, this is Jason Wang calling from Taiwan. Our company makes XXX products. I am calling to know if any business we could do with you ?

參考 (  ) 
Hello, this is Jason Wang calling from ABC company of Taiwan. I know you are looking for the supplier of XXX product. May I contact anyone in your purchase department to make a brief introduction?

參考 (  ) 
Hello, this is Jason Wang calling from Taiwan, I visited your website, and know that you are selling XXX products, maybe we can do some business together. 

參考 (  ) 
This is Jason Wang from ABC company in Taiwan, we learned your name through Taiwan Trading Association and know that you are selling XXX products. Hopefully, we could supply you the material ( or products ) with better price and good quality.


May I speak to the person in charge of the purchase department or the one that handles import business ?

如果對方不願轉接,可以直接跟他要 e-mail 地址和姓名:
Would you please give me your email address so that I can send you more information about our company and products for your reference ? 
May I have your name, please ?


找到對話窗口之後,確認對方的姓名、職務、e-mail、電話及分機號碼。So, You are Mr. Michael Lee, the purchase manager. May I have your telephone number and extension, please ?

接著要表達希望透過 e-mail 的管道向他詳細說明及推薦我們的產品,尤其如果能經由 MSN 或 SKYPE 直接進行即時會談是更好。( 因為可以邊談邊思考,並可查證及留下紀錄。未來雙方通過 e-mail 初步聯絡過後,可以主動邀他加入 MSN 或 SKYPE 進一步互動。)

For a clear introduction, may I have your e-mail address or MSN ( SKYPE ) account ?

If possible, I'd choose not to bother you too much by phone. May I have your email address that I could share more information with you? Or, we could chat by MSN or SKYPE to further communicate in detail.

I am sure you will be interested in our products, maybe it is better to send you further information by e-mail. May I have your e-mail address ?

May I have your MSN or SKYPE account, so we could chat sometime at your convenience?





You may check our website for more XXX product details, Our XXX products occupy 60% of 地區 market share, which means we are trustful in quality and competitive in price. That’s why some famous groups in the world assigned to buy only from us such as XXX company and YYY company. ( 如果這些公司不介意被引述的話。)



1) 詢問貨源:
May I know you are buying from China or Taiwan now ?

2) 詢問規格與特別需求:
What is the product specification? Or, any specific product requirements in your mind ?

3) 詢問購買數量和頻率:
What is the quantity that you monthly purchase ?
How often do you purchase XXX product ? Once a month ? Twice a year ?


4) 詢問付款條件:
Your payment term is by AT SIGHT L/C or others ?
Do you adopt L/C AT SIGHT as the payment terms ?



1) 你是製造商還是貿易商?
2) 你的工廠在哪裡?
3) 你目前在該地區有多少客戶 ( 或有哪些客戶 )
4) 是否有通過什麼認證?
5) 最低訂購量或金額是多少?
6) 某產品的價錢現在是多少?
7) 可以允許怎樣的付款方式?
8) 最近市況如何?


1) As to this question, I need to double check with my colleague in charge of XXX product.

2) I will email you in detail by next week.

3) Would you like to know anything else? I could reply to you together by email.

4) It's a good question, but it takes time to collect good answers for you. I will get back to you in 2 days. Thanks for your understanding.


重述他的需求,強調你何時會傳 e-mail 給他,提供他所需的資訊,並將於下星期再度致電確認 ( 如果沒收到他的回信的話 )

You just mentioned that you needed the quotation of XXX and YYY items. I will send them to you by email today. Also, I will call you back next Tuesday to see if you receive our information. Of course, if available, I'd like to have your opinion then. Thank you.

※ 結束談話後,務必要記錄該客戶的反應與意見,對什麼產品有興趣,後續必須提供哪些資料給他。


Thanks for your time. We will keep you informed if we have any new items available in the near future. Have a nice day !


Sorry to bother you. Have a nice day !

Nice talking with you. I could tell you are a nice gentleman / lady. If any information you need from Taiwan, please let me know and I will do my best to support you. Or, if you happen to know anyone that might be interested in our products, you could introduce me to him/her. Thank you.




* 何時曾經跟他連絡過,當時曾提及什麼產品或事項?
* 當時他的反應和意見是什麼?
* 想知道現在他那邊的市場是否有需求?
* 我們現在有新產品要推薦給他 ( 或是想重新提醒他我們有哪些產品 )。
* 稍後會再用 e-mail 跟他詳細回報。
* 再次確認他的 e-mail 地址無誤。

Hello, Mr. Jackson ? This is Jason Wang calling from ABC company in Taiwan. I contacted you 2 months ago about XXX products, in which you were very interested. Also, I sent you the quotation as per your request. I guess you might have been busy because we haven't heard from you since then.

Perhaps you don't mind letting me know if you are still interested in our products. Or, anything we could do to help you with the 地區 market development ?

Actually, we have some new items suitable for your market. If you don't mind, I will email you more details later.

In addition, if you need any XXX products from us, please feel free to contact me anytime.

By the way, let me double check with you about your e-mail address, is it Jackson@abc.com ?

OK. Nice talking with you.
Keep in touch !
Have a nice day !

補充 (  ) 

用電話追蹤訂單時,經常碰到客人說他還在評估考慮,目前無法給你答案。你可以說 : 「我知道考慮需要時間,那麼下星期二我可以再打電話過來嗎?因為我的老闆是個很積極的人,每星期都要交客戶的追蹤報告給他,我的報告如果一直都是:客人要我等等等,說不定老闆會等不及自己打電話過來給你了!」

Of course, I know it takes time to consider this deal. So, may I call you back next Tuesday to get the final result ?

As you may know, my boss is very aggressive. We are requested to weekly report to him the status check of potential buyers. If he always reads  " the customer will reply soon ..." on my report, he will probably call you directly by himself tomorrow.

補充 (  ) 



As to the problem you have, actually we regard it as our problem, too. Let's see what we could do together to settle it down and help you to make a wise decision to choose the right partner. If another supplier is really suitable for you, I will certainly wish you all the best and won't bother you anymore. 

補充 ( 三 ) :


Even though it's bad news for me, I am still glad that you found a suitable supplier. Hopefully, you will keep your door opened for us if next time you happen to need any products from us. We will be very happy to provide you our best service.

Furthermore, I will regularly update you our product related information by e-mail, showing you our innovation progress. Sincerely look forward to the next chance and let's keep in touch !!

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